Monday, July 1, 2013

Nite Train-r: Deceit by Concealment and Perversion

Nite Train-r has what we consider to be a minimal site, with basic information about its alarm.

Very little information is provided, but essential data about the size of the alarm box and the sensor are provided. Weights are not provided, and our normal reference site at says that the weight of the alarm box only is “Not Provided,” while the weight of the alarm box with sensor and battery is less than 8 oz. We wonder why Nite Train-r does not place these weights on its web site, or reference them. Deceit by concealment.

Although pictures are provided of the alarm and sensor, very little is said about using the Nite Train-r. Perhaps there is very little that can be said. But the sensor is of exceptional size and there is inadequate information about its use. This is not a criticism of the sensor as we do not know much about it, but any potential user should be concerned and interested. Deceit by concealment.

“Nite Train-r alarms produce an alerting and more attention getting "warble" not a monotone. This feature assures quicker response to the alarm for the bed wetter.” We do not know how Nite Train’r can make such a claim without providing substantiation. Deceit by perversion.

There are several other unanswered questions, such as the loudness of the alarm, vibration, and other characteristics that Nite Train’r avoids addressing. Hiding basic facts about the alarm and its use can only be thought of as deceit by concealment.

To truly compare Malem with all relevant competitors in today’s marketplace, look at . This is the most comprehensive set of data and facts about bedwetting alarms that we have seen. Malem does not fare well. This explains why Malem and the Bedwetting Store resort to deceit and propaganda to promote the Malem bedwetting alarm!

The Bedwetting Store is the only seller who advertises and continues to sell the Malem Bedwetting Alarm. All other sellers have either realized the truth about the Malem Bedwetting Alarm or have abandoned it, but the Bedwetting Store continues its deceit.
Malem(TM) and the Bedwetting Store have a very large number of entries about their deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Malem and the Bedwetting Store, so that Malem and the Bedwetting Store have significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Malem and Bedwetting Store deceit entries on this blog.

Malem and the Bedwetting Store have also been given a 0-stars blog of their own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. The Malem Alarm and Bedwetting Store blog is at

Nite Train-r: Deceit by Concealment and Perversion

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