Sunday, August 3, 2014

Malem and the Bedwetting Store Involved with Fraudulent Reviews on

We received the following email:

Dear Amazon,

I noticed this on I was reading the reviews and comments for the following products sold by the Bedwetting Store Malem Ultimate Bedwetting Alarm - Blue 1 Tone w/Vibration (ASIN:B00070QH64), Malem Ultimate Selectable Bedwetting Alarm with Vibration - Royal Blue (ASIN:B000OC8RMW), Dry-Me Bed Wetting Alarm (Sound & Vibration) to Cure Bedwetting (ASIN:B007HO41FC) and Rodger Wireless Bedwetting System with 8 Tones (ASIN:B000KDVQ64) and noticed that for the month of July and August, these 4 products have received a total of 16 false 5-ster reviews.

The reviews look 100% legitimate, but on close look, you will notice that these reviews have been spaced out with exact number of dates and the reviewers have all only reviewed 1 item on Amazon. The items sold by the Bedwetting Store. I am shocked that Amazon allows such fraudulent reviews from Malem and the Bedwetting Store. I must agree that this is fraud and a “severe violation” of Amazon’s policies. It is people like the Bedwetting Store that make Amazon’s Reviews less credible, by posting favorable reviews for themselves, and probably unfavorable reviews for their competitors.

The company has a history of fraudulent activity and are known to post false reviews. This is not the first time I am complaining to Amazon about this seller. 

The Bedwetting Store has been caught with their hands in the cookie jar and Amazon should take disciplinary action by suspending selling privileges and removing the seller off Amazon. This activity hurts Amazon’s credibility and reputation. Cutting off the hands of a thief is not out of line with Biblical remedies.

I am sending a copy of this to DeceitCatcher who has a blog at  in which a very substantial number of deceitful and fraudulent acts by Malem and the Bedwetting Store are disclosed and discussed. I am surprised that Amazon has not done sufficient due diligence with respect to the Bedwetting Store and their disgraceful behavior.


L. Lions

We investigated the above letter and went through the reviews for the Malem alarms and other alarms sold by the Bedwetting Store and noticed that there are several reviews which immediately spring out as fake.
These are
Malem Ultimate Bedwetting Alarm - Blue 1 Tone w/Vibration (ASIN:B00070QH64)

Malem Ultimate Selectable Bedwetting Alarm with Vibration - Royal Blue (ASIN:B000OC8RMW)

Dry-Me Bed Wetting Alarm (Sound & Vibration) to Cure Bedwetting (ASIN:B007HO41FC)

Rodger Wireless Bedwetting System with 8 Tones (ASIN:B000KDVQ64)

The above reviews are 100% fake and from the month of July and August. If we dig deeper, we are confident that the Bedwetting Store and their products will have over 350 fake reviews. This would represent about a third of all reviews on products sold by the Bedwetting Store. They continue to boost ratings through deceit and false reviews.
We have been stating for over one year in this blog that the Bedwetting Store with their Malem alarm are, without question and beyond doubt, unethical and deceitful leader in the bedwetting alarm industry. Disgraceful!

It is also disgraceful, that in spite of substantial evidence being presented to Amazon directly and through this blog, Amazon has not done proper due diligence about the true nature and deceitful character of the Bedwetting Store. This suggests that Amazon is blind to the Bedwetting Store’s continuing misdeeds, or that there is someone inside Amazon who is colaborating and colluding with the Bedwetting Store and possibly at the expense of Amazon and that of Amazon's customers who trust Amazon.
The Bedwetting Store sells more product on Amazon than all other manufactures combined. They continue to dupe and cheat customers through their deceitful tactics. The Bedwetting Store’s behavior, presented here, leaves no doubt that the Bedwetting Store is a major manipulator of Amazon's Review System, both in its own favor and that of its cronies and collaborators, and against its competitors with false and even delusional reviews for the gullible public and Amazon. This ruins the credibility of Amazon's Reviews, and casts very deep shadows on all of the superlative Amazon reviews about the Bedwetting Store’s products. 

Amazon should take strong and punitive action against the perpetually manipulative and deceitful Bedwetting Store. Such action may alleviate the feeling of some customers that they have been misled by Amazon's obviously biased and gullible Reviews to purchase a Malem, Dry-Me or Rodger alarm and other products on the basis of false and fake reviews.

To truly compare Malem with all relevant competitors in today’s marketplace, look at . This is the most comprehensive set of data and facts about bedwetting alarms that we have seen. Malem does not fare well. This explains why Malem and the Bedwetting Store resort to deceit and propaganda to promote the Malem bedwetting alarm!

The Bedwetting Store is the only seller who advertises and continues to sell the Malem Bedwetting Alarm. All other sellers have either realized the truth about the Malem Bedwetting Alarm or have abandoned it, but the Bedwetting Store continues its deceit.
Malem(TM) and the Bedwetting Store have a very large number of entries about their deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Malem and the Bedwetting Store, so that Malem and the Bedwetting Store have significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Malem and Bedwetting Store deceit entries on this blog.

Malem and the Bedwetting Store have also been given a 0-stars blog of their own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. The Malem Alarm and Bedweting Store blog is at

Malem and the Bedwetting Store Involved with Fraudulent Reviews on