Sunday, January 19, 2014

DyBuddyEZ is thumping Malem on eBay!

Malem and the Bedwetting Store are is incorrigible. They continue to lie and cheat customers and parents into purchasing the Malem bedwetting alarm. We recently called the Bedwetting Store and asked to purchase a different alarm – A. The representative told us that the Malem was better and recommended. We stuck to our guns and insisted that we wanted to purchase alarm A, but the representative would not budge. She kept insisting that we buy a Malem. We said that alarm A was better value for money and the representative immediately brought the price of the Malem alarm down to the price of alarm A and tried to sell us a Malem alarm when we wanted alarm A . Why does the Bedwetting Store do this? Is it because they make more money on the Malem alarm or is it because they try to shut down every other manufacturer in an attempt to promote the Malem alarm?

The Malem alarm sold at the Bedwetting Store is a primitive alarm that is more than three times higher than the DryBuddyEZ, which provides more functionality than the Malem alarm. We refer the reader to the impartial and very complete and detailed site and its comparison of wired bedwetting alarms for comparing features and costs. The evidence of properties/functionalities and value is very obvious.

DryBuddyEZ's obvious success is most evident at eBay, which is the one major selling site that provides hard numbers about actual sales. It is very interesting to note in less than 5 months on eBay, DryBuddyEZ has outsold all Malem alarms TOGETHER which have been sold on eBay for about 3 years months. 180 DryBuddyEZs compared to a combined total of 880 Malem alarms. If we average this out, The DryBuddyEZs sales will be over 1,300 units in 3 years. This is 50% more than the Malem alarm!,. 

The Bedwetting Store and its shills will continue to post fake reviews on the internet and specially on Amazon. They will try to do everything they can to maintain their position and be the largest seller of bedwetting alarms. We doubt that they have the ability or inclination to learn or do otherwise. As we have stated earlier, but with the time period being extended:

Move over Bedwetting Store and Malem, there is a new alarm in the market – DryBuddyEZ.

To truly compare Malem with all relevant competitors in today’s marketplace, look at . This is the most comprehensive set of data and facts about bedwetting alarms that we have seen. Malem does not fare well. This explains why Malem and the Bedwetting Store resort to deceit and propaganda to promote the Malem bedwetting alarm!

The Bedwetting Store is the only seller who advertises and continues to sell the Malem Bedwetting Alarm. All other sellers have either realized the truth about the Malem Bedwetting Alarm or have abandoned it, but the Bedwetting Store continues its deceit.
Malem(TM) and the Bedwetting Store have a very large number of entries about their deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Malem and the Bedwetting Store, so that Malem and the Bedwetting Store have significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Malem and Bedwetting Store deceit entries on this blog.

Malem and the Bedwetting Store have also been given a 0-stars blog of their own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. The Malem Alarm and Bedweting Store blog is at

DyBuddyEZ is thumping Malem on eBay!